Adam Shaw


About Me

I am currently a Science Fellow and Urbanek-Chodorow Fellow in Physics at Stanford University, working primarily with Jon Simon to build a next generation quantum computing platform. In my Ph.D., I worked with Manuel Endres at Caltech, where I developed a state-of-the-art quantum computing system based on coherent control of single atoms trapped in optical tweezers.

My research has touched on many aspects of quantum information science (QIS), including computing, simulation, and metrology. My postdoctoral research specifically focuses on developing the light-matter interface of the tweezer platform through a novel optical cavity architecture, with applications across QIS.


California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Ph.D. • Physics (Minor: Quantum Science and Engineering) • 2018-2024 • [thesis]

Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Bachelor of Science • Physics (with Highest Honors) • 2014-2018

Academic Employment

Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Postdoctoral Scholar • 2024 - Current
    Science Fellow and Urbanek-Chodorow Fellow and Felix Bloch Fellow

Highlights at a glance

For a full list, see my CV
Publications: 17, including 7 first-author
    • Nature (4)
    • Science (1)
    • Nature Physics (2)
    • Phys. Rev. Lett. (2)
    • Phys. Rev. X (2)
    • Phys. Rev. X Quantum (1)
    • Preprint (2)
    • Other (3)

Presentations: >15, including >10 invited
Invited talks at venues such as:
    • Quantum Gases at Tsinghua, China (2024)
    • Lindau Nobel Meeting at Lindau, Germany (2024)
    • DAMOP at Fort Worth, TX (2024)
    • The Simons Institute at Berkeley, CA (2024) [video]
    • Google Quantum AI at Santa Barbara, CA (2024)
    • Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE) at Snowbird, CO (2024)
    • Boeing Quantum Creator's Prize Symposium at Chicago, IL (2023) [video]

Selected awards and fellowships
    • Stanford Science Fellowship, Stanford University (2024)
    • Boeing Quantum Creator's Prize, University of Chicago (2023)
    • James A. Cullen Memorial Prize, Caltech (2023)
    • Eddleman Graduate Fellowship, Caltech (2021)
    • Thomas Brown Memorial Award, Harvey Mudd College (2018)

Selected publications

* indicates co-first author. For a full list, see Google Scholar
Universal fluctuations and noise learning from Hilbert-space ergodicity

Adam Shaw*, Daniel Mark*, Joonhee Choi, Ran Finkelstein, Pascal Scholl, Soonwon Choi, Manuel Endres
In submission (2024)
Benchmarking highly-entangled states on a 60-atom analogue quantum simulator

Adam Shaw*, Zhuo Chen*, Joonhee Choi*, Daniel Mark*, Pascal Scholl, Ran Finkelstein, Andreas Elben, Soonwon Choi, Manuel Endres
Nature 628, 71-77 (2024)
Paper / arXiv / Press
Multi-ensemble metrology by programming local rotations with atom movements

Adam Shaw*, Ran Finkelstein*, Richard Tsai, Pascal Scholl, Joonhee Choi, Manuel Endres
Nature Physics 20, 195-201 (2024)
Paper / arXiv / News and Views / Press
Erasure conversion in a high-fidelity Rydberg quantum simulator

Pascal Scholl*, Adam Shaw*, Richard Tsai, Ran Finkelstein, Joonhee Choi, Manuel Endres
Nature 622, 273-278 (2023)
Paper / arXiv / Press / More press
Preparing random states and benchmarking with many-body quantum chaos

Joonhee Choi*, Adam Shaw*, Ivaylo Madjarov, Xin Xie, Ran Finkelstein, Jacob Covey, Jordan Cotler, Daniel Mark, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Anant Kale, Hannes Pichler, Fernando G.S.L. Brandão, Soonwon Choi, Manuel Endres
Nature 613, 468-473 (2023)
Paper / arXiv / News and Views / Press